B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


What is Closed Loop Marketing?

Business decision makers have to keep an eye on the bottom line. With marketing and sales so essential to revenue generation, closed loop marketing represents one way to effectively impact B2B marketing and sales ROI. Above: A depiction of the bi-direction information and insights feedback loop...

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How a CRM Can Help Align Marketing and Sales

Thoughtful alignment of sales and marketing drives higher customer retention and increased sales. "Alignment between Marketing and Sales is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. When marketing and sales teams unite around a single revenue cycle, they...

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Six Steps to Better Buyer Personas

Here’s a pop quiz. Sitting around the marketing strategy table, a successful inbound marketing team will ask: A. “What do we want to say?” B. “How should we communicate our brand message?” C. “What do our buyers want?” D. “What are our buyers’ challenges?” E. A and B. F. C and D. G. All of the...

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Lead generation tips for B2B technology providers

B2B purchasers are the fish technology providers are trying to hook with their lead generation initiatives. A 2015 report found B2B buyers rely more on content to research and make purchasing decisions today and turn first to general web research before going to vendor web sites. Nevertheless,...

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5 Simple Ways to Increase Sales Leads

Attracting prospects to a brand’s digital channels is only one component of the inbound marketing challenge. Converting visitors into sales leads is what really matters to the bottom line. Sales enablement strategies can help convert a prospect to a qualified opportunity. Here are five simple ways...

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Influencer Marketing in the B2B Arena

To appropriate Star Wars, “The Force is Strong” with some on social media. Known in marketing as influencers, these are the people you want to identify to enhance your B2B marketing. Influencers have the power of a social media force (the Yoda-side, not Sidius), to make a difference in terms of...

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The Importance of Defining a Value Proposition for the Internet of Things.

Any marketer recognizes the importance of a strong value proposition. Yet, the stakes are even higher in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Differentiation is key with the IoT. A value proposition is a clear statement of what is offered, how that offering stands out in its market, and how the...

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Content Marketing Tips for B2B Technology Providers

The 6 D’s of Content Marketing for B2B Technology Providers Lead generation is a top goal of B2B technology providers, and content marketing is vital to driving more leads, visibility, and sales opportunities for enterprises in the field. Generating and nurturing tech buyer leads for each stage of...

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Does Marketing Automation Work?

Only 30 percent of B2B marketers describe their organizations as effective at content marketing. That’s down from 38% in 2015, according to the Content Marketing Institute. The respondents in the 2016 study reporting greater effectiveness were those that had documentation, clarity around success,...

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Defining a value proposition for IT service companies

IT service companies know their supported technologies, security, cloud computing, data storage best practices, and sometimes virtualization. Yet many do not yet know and appreciate the importance of defining a value proposition that positions their brand in the marketplace. Value proposition...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.


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Grow your B2B business boldly. Ironpaper is a B2B marketing agency. We build growth engines for marketing and sales success. We power demand generation campaigns, ABM programs, create B2B content, strengthen sales enablement, generate qualified leads, and improve B2B marketing efforts.

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