Google has been updating it's search algorithm with an ongoing update called Panda, which was first released in February 2011 and is focused on delivering higher-quality websites to the top of the search results. Quality has always been a major factor of Google's search engine, which has been a...
Alerts are a reverse search engine content retrieval system. They monitor the web for a specific keyword over time and provide timely updates on the use of that keyword in blogs, news websites, social websites and other forms of online content. Alerts can be vital for both the marketing planning...
A landing page is the page your website visitors "land on" when arriving at your website. A landing page could be your home page, or any other page receiving traffic in your website. A landing page may be the visitor's first experience of your brand, or landing pages may serve repeat visitors who...
As an SEO best-practice, it is a good idea to design for more than a single permutation of a keyword. By designing an SEO strategy around a single keyword, you may miss out on other common queries and fall short on search traffic as a result. Consider a keyword strategy that utilizes long tail...
Product pages for eCommerce and within websites can rank in standard web search, but there is an alternative and additional way to gain search visibility for products. Ecommerce businesses should explore the Google product feed, which is a datasource of all your product meta data stripped from your...
What use is being #1 for a keyword that gets no traffic? Business owners and marketers often need better data to make decisions. This is especially true for marketing strategy and planning. In order to allocate resources for digital marketing campaigns, it is good to gather some initial data...
Neglecting the planning stage of a marketing campaign can cause bitter ruin. Often times, a marketing agency will be hired and expected to perform flawlessly without a discovery or planning period. This can hurt the campaign and limit it's success. For one, the marketing planning process allows for...
Podcasts can be great marketing tools for both B2C and B2B marketing depending on your product or service. Success with podcasts requires more than just being an ace with technical details. It requires a good concept, experience with producing and thinking deeply about what would be interesting for...
Blog content marketing with SEO and social media There are interdependencies between search and social media marketing. Blogging can play a large role and help to align social & search efforts. The effect of blogging on a marketing campaign is largely dependent on key factors related to social...
Advertising for B2B is generally focused on building brand awareness and lead generation at the top of the sales funnel. Online advertising does not carry the same trust or traffic as organic search engine listings. According to a study by Chitika, the top listing in Google's organic search results...