B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


IT as a Service — Cloud Market Insights [Report]

More businesses today are embracing IT as a service (ITaaS) and cloud environments, says a new McKinsey & Company report. “In the next three years, enterprises will make a fundamental shift from building IT to consuming IT,” forecasts the consultancy’s ITaas Cloud and Enterprise Cloud...

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IT Market Statistics and Trends

The information technology sector has an important cascading effect on the global economy. Generating revenue and employing workers at a relatively high median wage, the IT sector also helps other sectors “improve productivity, operate more efficiently and innovate faster,” per CompTIA. Not to...

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Thoughts on the Future of Marketing and Sales [REPORT]

To celebrate the release of its 128-page 2016 State of Inbound report, Hubspot organized a week of events related to the future of inbound marketing and sales. Here are some takeaways on the future of marketing and sales that Ironpaper gleaned from the trends discussions, with a few findings from...

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Blog Metrics to Track for Inbound Marketing Success

Many B2Bs today accept that blogging is an effective inbound marketing tool. Yet attention should also be paid to metrics that enable data-driven tweaking of the blog process. First, why blog? According to one statistic, B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those that do...

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7 Must-Have Best Practices for B2B Websites

From speed to conversion, many factors play into a successful website. But while design trends might change, best practices for B2B websites are generally evergreen. Follow these 7 must-have tips for your business website's success. 1. Clearly define your value proposition A value proposition is a...

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Machine Learning Market Statistics

The global cognitive computing market is expected to reach $12.5 billion in 2019, up from 2.5 billion in 2014, at a CAGR of 38%. — Research and Markets Cognitive computing is another way of describing machine learning, an area of computer science which sees machines recognizing patterns and...

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Sales Nurturing Statistics That Matter

Sales nurturing is an important tool in revenue generation. This collection of sales nurturing statistics that matter highlights the benefits. What is sales nurturing? Just 56% of B2B organizations verify valid business leads before they are passed to sales. — Marketing Sherpa You can bet those 56%...

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VoLTE Statistics that Matter

The telecommunications industry is evolving rapidly as service providers, and network operators move to Long-Term Evolution (LTE) platforms as the next standard. Shifting voice and data services to high-speed wireless communication networks is transforming telecom services and offerings. Here,...

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Email Marketing Statistics and Metrics

This might sound like a SNL ad parody, but email overload is real. The average person, in fact, has an average of 1.9 accounts, accounts that are more immediately accessible with technology advances in connectivity and smartphone devices. Email marketing needs to be relevant to the buyers’ needs...

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SaaS Market Size Forecast

What is the size of the saas market? Forecasts vary in estimating software-as-a-service (SaaS) market size, but there is consensus the market is poised to expand. The growth is due to organizations of all sizes becoming comfortable with cloud software offerings to add to, or at the expense of,...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.


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