B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


Lead Generation for Telecoms - Tips and Best Practices

Marketing has changed... Many telecom companies struggle with lead generation. Marketing and PR have changed dramatically because of the Internet and this change has been accentuated by the adoption of smartphones and real-time marketing. As David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Sales and...

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How to improve conversion rates for SaaS marketing

SaaS brands have multiple key performance indicators to help assess the success of their marketing efforts, including free trial registrations, feature/tool usage and sales conversions. The following items are tactics for how to improve conversion rates for SaaS marketing. Freemium or free trial...

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Lead Generation

6 Steps to Drive Online Donations Through Monthly Giving Programs

Did you know that you can drive online donations for your nonprofit though monthly giving programs? That's right. In fact, it's highly recommended, because according to Hubspot, 75% of your new donors will not donate next year. You're going to have to keep them engaged, thereby giving them a reason...

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Lead Generation

4 Ways Nonprofits Can Nurture Donors Using Social Media

Online fundraising is growing fast. This is why nonprofits are looking for ways to nurture donors using social media. Easier said than done? Actually - it's pretty easy, so long as it is done right. There are dozens of social networks to choose from for your social media efforts. We decided to...

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7 Questions to Answer Before Launching a Company Blog

Launching a company blog is easier said than done. There are many questions to answer, and aspects to consider before moving forward. Extensive planning is crucial to the success of the blog. Why? Because most company blogs fail due to inconsistencies, regardless of the quality of content. With...

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The Importance of Social Media for B2B Enterprise Marketing

B2C companies are not the only brands to be engaged in social media. Social media is an important part of the B2B enterprise marketing mix as well. It may be possible that social media marketing is in fact more important for B2B enterprises than their B2C counterparts, and here is why... Why is...

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B2B Digital Marketing Statistics

B2B marketers that embrace new techniques, strategies and technologies with digital marketing see big gains and cut through the chaos of a fragmented marketplace. Many CMOs of B2B companies grapple with the challenge of changing times. Many marketing departments are stuck in approaches from the...

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Why your best salesperson is your website

The self-educating buyer In 2008, Roman Ray wrote, The Best Salesperson: Your Website, in Entrepreneur Magazine explaining how an business's best sales person is actually their website. The Internet has changed the way we shop Websites play a central role in the customer acquisition process. A...

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Lead Generation

Take Command of Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

As customers have become more in control of how they learn and engage with a brand, so too has the need to actively participate in social media in order to control messaging, nurture relationships and guide users through labyrinths of stories. As we accept the reality that inbound marketing is...

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CMO guide to marketing automation

This article, the CMO guide to marketing automation, serves as a quick guide for CMOs considering marketing automation for their enterprise. Intended as a quick overview, this article can help CMOs understand marketing automation and sell it internally within their organization. Benefits of...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.


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