B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


Where To Get B2B Sales Leads

Do you still believe that cold-calling and buying lead lists are effective ways to drive sales? If so, it’s time for a wake-up call. The harsh reality is cold-calling doesn’t work 90% of the time according to the Harvard Business Review, and buying leads is an expensive and ineffective strategy...

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Generate B2B Sales: Techniques to Build Stronger Relationships and Close More Deals

The key to selling anything is to gain trust and build tight relationships. The stakes are much higher in a B2B context because the customers are often thinking about long-term solutions to make their businesses more efficient. Therefore, to be successful, you must build strong relationships with...

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5 Demand Generation Tips for B2B SaaS Companies

With global revenues for SaaS software predicted to reach $106 billion in 2016, there’s no question that this space is experiencing unprecedented growth and opportunity. As such, it’s critical that B2B SaaS companies take advantage of the industry’s gains now, to avoid being edged out by the...

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Ready to Launch? A Marketing Checklist for New Product Launches

A Simple Marketing Checklist for New Product Launches Marketing requires a mix of smart, goal-driven strategy and data-driven, adaptive execution. Having a solid plan in place prior to your marketing product or offer launch can yield far better results than well-executed marketing materials with no...

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3 Tips for Dealing with B2B Prospects Who Undercut Your Pricing

Many technical sales representatives have encountered a last-minute request from B2B prospects to "do a little better" on pricing. It may feel tempting to immediately ask your boss if you can reduce the rates clearly stated on your website. However, reducing your price upon request means devaluing...

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Pumpkin Hacking: What It Is and How It Can Boost Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Pumpkin Hacking 101 Let's explore a marketing methodology that goes by the funny name of "Pumpkin hacking." Contrary to what it may sound like, pumpkin hacking doesn't involve prize-winning vegetables. Rather, it's a simple SEO strategy that can help boost your site's traffic. Here's what you need...

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What Is the Zero Moment of Truth?

Marketers have traditionally focused on three steps in the buying process, but with the advent of the web, a forth stage has emerged as a significant influencer on the buying process. In the first step, known as "stimulus," potential customers are prompted to seek out a product, usually by...

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Lead Generation

The Top 3 PPC Metrics You Can't Afford to Ignore

Paid search is an extremely competitive industry, so optimizing your pay-per-click (PPC) ads is essential. There are many ways to quantify your ad metrics but there are three that you simply cannot ignore: search impression share, click-through rate, and quality score. Here is a quick guide to...

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What Twitter's Conversion Lift Means for Advertisers

B2B marketers know that measuring ROI — and especially measuring the effectiveness of lead-generating efforts — is paramount. They also know that marketing on social media works when it comes to courting new clients. Often, though, it's hard to estimate just how many clicks and conversions those...

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Using Content to Nurture Sales

If you’re like most companies, your sales team is burned out from working tirelessly to engage prospects, nurture leads, and close as many deals as possible. While your marketing team is doing a great job of generating interest, your sales team is discovering that it’s nearly impossible to...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.


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