Released Oct 11, 2011 Ironpaper is seeking to hire a freelance or part-time graphic designer with experience in interactive or website design. Ultimately, the ideal candidate would have experience in...
The Ironpaper team was saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs today--a true inspiration. The world has been touched profoundly by his creativity and brilliance.
Web Development, website, design
Ironpaper just launched the "next generation" website for the Collegiate Chorale--complete with a branding overhaul, new back-end administrative system and content strategy. The Collegiate Chorale is...
Ironpaper is excited to introduce New England Post, a news website with rapid publishing engine, jobs database and event calendar built on-top of Wordpress and other open-source technologies. New...
The Ironpaper team was surprised to receive a large delivery from it's client, Palermo Bakery, this past Friday of cakes, cookies and deserts. We have been working with the New Jersey Bakery with...
Ironpaper Job Opening Ironpaper is looking to hire a web developer to work from our office in Midtown Manhattan, NYC. The candidate should be comfortable working on a team and independently, be...
Ironpaper just launched the NYC Business Network .org, which will serve as a promotional and marketing vehicle for NYC businesses, business events, conferences and press releases. The website offers...
The Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership (CGP), is an organization whose mission is to promote communication and collaboration on the shared responsibilities of global welfare between...
Ironpaper recently launched website dedicated to discovering and renting performing arts rehearsal spaces by the hour in New York City. Hourspaces allows studio owners within the...
website, online marketing, design
Ironpaper specializes in working with non-profits for internet strategy. We produce websites, blogs, donation systems & eCommerce, membership tools and apps--tools vital for non-profits in the 21th...