
B2B Articles - April 10, 2017

Want Better Conversions? 12 Conversion Rate Optimization Tools You Need

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a priority for marketers who lead successful, data-driven campaigns. A well-running, converting website is the crux of a marketing campaign, so marketers must continually optimize. And conversion rate optimization tools can point your CRO efforts in the correct direction.

63% of marketers optimize websites based on intuition and best practices.

However, many marketers rely on "gut" instinct to optimize websites. But using data-driven tools can help marketers with lead generation — because data doesn’t lie.

What exactly is the value of conversion rate optimization tools?

According to VentureBeat, the average ROI on CRO tools is 223%. And while these tools can be expensive — on average, companies are spending as much at $2,000 a month on CRO tools — the ROI is enormous. Furthermore, the best part is that some CRO tools are absolutely free!

Download the Complete Guide to Set a Conversion Rate Goal (Specific to Your  Business) [Free eBook]

So now that you’re convinced it’s time to invest in a CRO tool, let’s look at some of the favorites marketers use.

Analytics Tools

In order to understand conversions, you must start with analytics on who is converting, when, where, and why.

Here are some analytical tools that offer useful data to measure marketing efforts and their contribution to conversions.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracks and reports website traffic. This is a basic and free analytics tool that produces traffic reports, demographic data, and number of clicks on content pages (among other measurements). Marketers should be fluent in Google Analytics to have an understanding of popular marketing efforts — especially those that convert.


2. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg offers a heatmap tool that tells you why visitors leave your website. This click tracking allows you to see the effectiveness of each website page so that marketers can adjust content and visuals accordingly.

3. Clicktale

Another heatmap tool is Clicktale, which allows you to view how people use your website. This data can help marketers adjust call to actions (CTAs) and what issues your site may be giving visitors.

4. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a slightly more complicated (and expensive) tool that helps marketers see how a person arrived on their website. This tool makes A/B testing and calculating ROI easy, which is why it can be worth its large price tag.

5. Hubspot’s Website Grader

Hubspot has many tools, but one that is great for analytics tracking is their website grader. This site gives you a quick look at SEO-based metrics and quick fixes, such as site speed, that can improve conversions.

Conversion rate optimization tools - Hubspot web grader

Research Tools

Research is an essential part of understanding how well a website converts. From looking at competitor’s sites to finding out more about a consumer, here are great CRO platforms to use.

6. Buzzsumo

With a simple keyword search, marketers can discover which content is the most popular online. Buzzsumo has many filters that can break down content by date, content type, etc. This research allows marketers to understand what content converts for others, so they can mimic the articles and use them as inspiration.

7. Peek

For marketers who want to examine how people use their website, Peek is a great tool. The platform allows marketers to create a five-minute usability test for their site, and then add participants. Therefore, marketers can then identify any usability issues which may cause users to sign off a website early, lowering the conversion rate.

8. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is wonderful for competitor research. Marketers can look at other company’s online strategy and traffic sources to see how they rank. And, the platform allows marketers to learn which keywords are driving traffic to the site. Then they can optimize content accordingly.

Conversion rate optimization tools - SimilarWeb

9. i-Perceptions

i-Perceptions leverages the voice of the consumer to help marketers create more consumer-centric campaigns. The platform integrates with a website to ask visitors three simple questions: “How would you rate your site experience?”, “What describes the primary purpose of visit?”, and “Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today?” By using this information, marketers can make changes to the website.

Testing Tools

Testing is an ongoing part of optimizing a website or web content. Figuring out what works and what doesn’t usually comes from assessing websites and content, so here are tools to use to test success easily.

10. FiveSecondTest

To test landing page designs, the fastest way is to use fivesecondtest to get UI feedback. For marketers who do not want to set up an entirely new landing page and then test, this platform is great, because they can test out a new splash page first. Testers get asked a series of questions after seeing the landing page, and marketers can use the feedback to then make modifications.

12. Unbounce

Unbounce allows anyone to create an easy-to-use landing page with drag and drop features. Marketers can then create variants of the landing page and A/B test certain elements. Using this tool, marketers can identify which items on a landing page convert better.

62% of marketers use CRO testing to boost lead generation on landing pages.

11. VWO

Another great A/B testing tool is VWO. A/B testing can be time-consuming, so marketers can use this platform to easily A/B test design and landing page content to see which converts better. VWO boasts itself as the site to use with minimal IT help, so those without an IT background should check it out.

The Importance of CRO

what is a good conversion rate?Understanding conversion rates is incredibly vital for a successful marketing campaign.

And with the wealth of easy-to-use tools, conversion rates will grow.

Furthermore, CRO can help with all aspects of a marketing campaign. In fact, 7 in 10 marketers practicing CRO use results to inform other marketing initiatives. From social media marketing to a byline campaign, CRO can help marketers better understand what makes a customer convert, and with that information, plan a better marketing strategy overall.

What is a Good Conversion Rate? Download the Complete Guide eBook






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