
B2B Articles - April 29, 2015

Can Inbound Marketing Attract Qualified MVNO B2B Leads?

Lead generation marketing

Inbound marketing can be highly effective for attracting qualified MVNO B2B leads to your company by creating content designed specifically for them. Once prospects find their way to your site, your content keeps them coming back for more, and they become long-term customers and brand advocates. Inbound marketing focuses on being helpful and relevant over being disruptive and invasive.

This article focuses on how Saas, software, telecom, carrier, communication service and IT companies can engage MVNOs as partners or potential customers. To break it down even further, here is what inbound marketing looks like in action for attracting MVNOs, in four simple steps:

Step One: Attract MVNO B2B visitors using highly targeted content, social media, search engines, advocates, referrals, and email marketing.

Step Two: Convert website visitors to leads using calls-to-action, specialized landing pages, shareable content, and content offers.

Step Three: Turn leads into customers using email marketing, workflows, lead scoring, and CRM and marketing automation.

Step Four: Inform, inspire and educate your MVNO B2B leads/customers continuously, so they become loyal advocates. Stay in touch with them via email, targeted/personalized content, and social media.

Can Inbound Marketing Drive Qualified MVNO B2B Leads?

Using Inbound Marketing To Attract MVNOs

Inbound marketing is an extremely effective way to drive qualified MVNO B2B leads because it meets the senior decision makers at these companies exactly where they are: online.

The reality is that MVNO companies are in a race for subscribers to drive revenue and remain profitable. As such, they are constantly implementing new features and seeking partnerships with communication service companies, IT firms, and others to increase their value proposition. And, they are researching their options online – seeking solutions to their unique challenges, potential partnerships, the latest industry news, and innovative technologies that can power their offerings.

Inbound marketing ensures that MVNOs find your content -- and your company -- during their research stage. It captures those qualified leads, nurtures them with targeted communications, and ultimately turns them into loyal customers and brand advocates.

To that end, here's how to get started using inbound marketing to drive qualified MVNO B2B leads:

1. Identify buyer personas and document a content strategy. For inbound marketing to be effective, it needs to be specifically tailored to the needs, interests, and pain points of your target market.

To begin, get to know your key buyers and the unique challenges they face, and understand how your company’s solutions can help. For example, what benefits do you provide? Is your value in growth, savings, streamlined operations, or partnerships? Does your technology, service or solution help MVNOs attract clients by adding value to their service relationships or does it help them save money on infrastructure management? Identifying this value is critical from the outset--as you define a content strategy.

From there, identify your buyers' interests. What kind of content will they find genuinely helpful or enjoyable? For example, MVNOs need to stay abreast of the latest technology and industry news to be successful, so ideally your strategy will incorporate content designed to keep them informed and up-to-date.

2. Form a keyword strategy. A well-honed keyword strategy is vital to your company’s inbound marketing success. If you’re not targeting the precise keywords MVNO B2B leads are searching for, they can’t find your content – or your company. It’s that simple.

We recommend incorporating short (competitive) keywords like “MVNO solutions” or “telecom vendors” and long tail (less competitive) keywords like “telecom solutions for MVNOs”. Targeting both is a well-rounded approach that will drive traffic to your site, build awareness, and generate qualified leads. We also recommend revisiting your keywords on a regular basis, as new technology and industry trends will shape and define your strategy. As decision makers use search engines for due diligence and exploration, they will naturally progress from broad, highly competitive keywords to middle funnel queries that are longer form. 

3. Regularly post helpful, authoritative content. To attract MVNO B2B leads, your company needs to be positioned as a trusted advisor who can help them increase their effectiveness in the market.

To that end, we recommend sharing consistent, authoritative content that solves MVNOs’ unique problems and provides immense value. Aim be a source of education for this audience, and use your content to position your company as an expert in the industry. For topics, we recommend creating articles that relate precisely to MVNO interests, challenges, and pain points, and backing up your messaging with data.

4. Use gated content for MVNO-specific resources and guides. MVNO VPs, CIOs, and CTOs perform a substantial amount of research before making a purchasing or partnership decision. Authoritative and trustworthy resources are a fantastic way to not only capture these leads – but also to edge out the competition.

To begin, tailor in-depth guides and resources to target the precise pain points MVNOs face. Make sure each guide is filled to the brim with rock-solid, genuinely helpful information and require prospects to enter personal information – including name, email address, company, and job title – to gain access. Once a visitor fills out the contact form and downloads the content, your company has a qualified MVNO B2B lead to follow up with in the form of targeted communications and progressive profiling.

Learn more: Marketing to MVNOs: B2B Lead Generation Tips for Communication Service Companies

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