
B2B Articles - May 03, 2014

A Fun Business Guide to Twitter

Twitter for businessA fun business guide designed to optimize magnetism between an organization's Twitter profile and their audience. 

Twitter’s rapidly babbling brook of social consciousness has quickly become one of the most effective ways to tap into the latest and greatest content and its originators. This has created a major opportunity for businesses seeking to build social bridges into consumer minds. By revealing their thought streams on a globally transparent medium, organizations may position themselves as thought leaders within their specific domain of commerce.

The following article provides a few high level snapshots from a guide we authored on how a Twitter user can generate magnetism with their audience. In the spirit of engagement, the full guide provides a tour of Twitter's diverse social streams with playful metaphors and imagery. While the guide is structurally elegant, much of the material is intentionally offbeat to facilitate engagement and retention. Feel free to download the Ironpaper Guide to Twitter for Business gratis.

A Few Guide Takeaways:

Putting Yourself Out There - Include profile description information that makes your inner star sparkle, upload a flattering photo, insert industry relevant hashtags and include your location in order to push forward your presence and increase interconnectivity with people who might be drawn towards someone with your particulars.

Profile Tip - People will frequently decide whether or not to follow you based on the perceived value of other users vis–à–vis yourself. Stand out from the crowd by constructing your profile around your competitive edge. 

Extra Value, Tweet All About It - Offer readers value in the form of useful information that solves a problem. Make an effort to provide viewers with rare knowledge since scarcity is correlated with value (per supply and demand).

Channeling the Force - Draw inspiration from domains of knowledge which bring excitement to mind. Your excitement will shine through your posts and drive engagement towards your profile.

Tweet Ingredients - On the surface, Tweets can be comprised of text, hashtags, links and photos. Include a healthy mix of all these elements in your posts since they can increase engagement. That said, they may also serve to your detriment if you're inundating people with too much of one thing.

Keepin it Fresh - When writing Tweets, be clever in a way that offers your audience the opportunity to connect conventionally disparate variables in order to stimulate the reward mechanisms associated with learning something new. You can achieve this with an artistic (dazzling) or scientific (informative) approach.

Content Tip - If your Tweets include a link, the written component should leave your audience hungry for more information in order to motivate a click-through.

Hawking Your Goods - Curb the frequency of promotional Tweets so you don’t become perceived as a parasitic agent that is continually seeking to extract value from its audience.

Going Lean - Incorporate interesting content that arises while performing your job into your Twitter stream to save time. This information may be beneficial to your following since most people's professions involve specialist knowledge that may be unobtainable elsewhere.

Maintaining a Schedule - Dedicate a period of every day to Tweeting, scheduling Tweets and interacting with users. If you’re just getting started, use a checklist since a mandated regimen may assist you in maintaining engagement with the platform. The checklist could include variables such as e.g. how many times to tweet or retweet per day.

Who to Trust - A person’s interests and Tweet history will provide you with some sense of whether or not to follow them. The more your interests sync up, the more likely you will stir up social chemistry.

Minding the Gap - Listen before speaking, be positive, adhere to common courtesies and avoid Twitter when you’re feeling unusually emotional since soaring emotions are frequently concomitant with irrationality.

Chitter Chattering - Mention people's Twitter handles in your posts to generate goodwill, retweet content and send a few direct messages. This will serve to develop relationships with Twitter users which are both personal and symbiotic.

Analysis - The key overarching factors to analyze are content, people and timing. For a complete list of Twitter analysis tools and guidelines, download the Ironpaper guide.

Although ostensibly simple due to the character limit, Twitter conversations possess many of the social intricacies which are present in face-to-face interactions. As a result, companies may have difficulty deciding where to focus their efforts. Our guide offers business users insight into behavior which may generate magnetism with a Twitter audience.

Download our Guide to Twitter.

Twitter guide for business eBook

Download the Ironpaper Business Guide to Twitter


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