Web design & marketing tips by Ironpaper

Search ranking fluctuations throw websites in a tizzy

Written by Ironpaper | Nov 4, 2012 6:01:27 PM

In a recent article by the NY Times called Google Casts a Big Shadow on Smaller Web Sites, author Steve Lohr addresses the increasing anxiety of smaller websites caused by ranking fluxuations  who depend on Google for much of their business. The article spotlights the Nextag example, which saw a steady decline of online traffic from the search engine and their decision to shift more of their focus to paid advertising, "because an estimated 60 percent of Nextag’s traffic comes from Google."

This is a common story for many business owners and websites that have based much of their revenue potential on customers derived from search engines and SEO. The NY Times describes the relationship of Google to website owners as a blend of "admiration and fear."  Concerns have risen, and regulators in both the US and Europe are conducting "sweeping inquiries" of Google and their business practices.

In the US, 67 percent of the search market belongs to Google, and it rakes in 75 percent of search ad dollars.

Some websites may need to diversify their online strategy. Certainly continuing to focus on search and improve search visibility is important, but expanding to a more secure, diversified approach may be intelligent for websites and businesses online.

There are plenty of tactics beyond search that can drive business to websites, including social media, online PR, advertising & re-advertising and content...to name a few. Google continues to be a powerful player in the world of online marketing, but certainly the number of digital channels are increasing as customers and businesses hunger for the web increases.