Most web analytics analytics can be used to also capture mobile app performance data. Google Analytics for instance can be used to measure mobile app metrics.
Analyze and measure mobile app performance
- Number of installations and downloads
- Devices used to access the app
- Networks used to access the app
- In-app purchase totals and frequency
- Correlation of purchases to marketing campaign events
- App usage behavior -- screens per visit, usage by time, order navigation
- iOS Game Center data: social gaming
- Facebook SDK: a quick way to measure installs
- User engagement over time: understand the length of engagement of your users over time
- In-app purchasing
- Upgrades
Measuring and Optimizing Mobile Applications
- iOS SDK for Marketing Cloud Solutions
- Android SDK for Marketing Cloud Solutions
- PhoneGap plug-in for iOS and Android
- WinRT for Windows 8
- Windows Phone 8
- OS X
- BlackBerry 10