Web design & marketing tips by Ironpaper

Facebook launches API for comment replies focusing on Pages with 10k followers

Written by Ironpaper | Apr 8, 2013 12:17:42 AM

For pages and profiles with 10k+ followers, Facebook has launched a new feature: comment replies--helping businesses and celebrities engage with their followers in a more direct manner. A week following the release, Facebook launched the API support for comment replies, allowing web developers to extend the application in new and unique ways.

The API and FQL comment table have been updated to support this new feature. The Facebook API now supports different "views" of social comments. The views are broken down into 1. top level view 2. Replies 3. Comment Stream.

Example of comment replies on Facebook

For Pages and Profiles with 10k+ views, Facebook admins can opt-into Replies through the Page admin panel in the Manage Permissions section. All Pages will have the feature enabled on July 10, 2013. In the beginning, this will be limited to desktop users only--mobile will be enabled in the future, according to the company.

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-journalists/improving-conversations-on-facebook-with-replies/578890718789613