
Current Insights


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Consumers More Likely to Purchase Items from Websites with Product Reviews [study]

Thanks to the unending supply of information consumers can acquire with only their fingertips, people looking to buy products online only have to go a short distance to find all the information they...


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70% of Indian Population Has Active Mobile Subscriptions [study]

Countries outside of North America have grown considerably in terms of mobile network connections and in joining social media platforms. One such country is India. Out of the 1.2 billion people who...


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Best web analytics tools for sorting digital marketing data

Big data is an immense part of digital marketing, so how exactly are digital marketers sorting the data and keeping up with all its uses? What are the best tools for sorting digital marketing data? A...


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Facebook and Google to Represent 15% of Media Ads in 2016

According to a new report from market researcher eMarketer, Google and Facebook in combination will represent 15 percent of a total $200 billion spent on media advertising in 2016. In 2012, Google...



Twitter Garners Two-Thirds of Social Media Mentions

Brands with Twitter accounts may not realize how important their presence on that social media platform may be. As it stands, two-thirds of public brand mentions on social media occur on Twitter. The...


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Mobile Implementation Errors Can Cost 68% of Web Traffic

Going mobile is one of the best ways a company can gain revenue and customers today. However, if a mobile implementation is botched, companies can lose on average 68 percent of their smartphone...


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Mobile Push Notifications Highly Valued by Consumers, Brands

A recent survey by Responsys, a global marketing cloud service agency, showed that push notifications are highly valued by consumers. Almost 60 percent of adults and over 70 percent of young adults...


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Marketers Will Have to Work Harder to Get Millennials' Attention: study

A recent study by Razorfish, DigitasLBi, Yahoo, and Tumblr found that 45 percent of millennials simply have no interest in what marketers are trying to push. This insight is especially important when...


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eCommerce Statistics: the continued rise of ecommerce

Mobile transactions will account for 26 percent of US retails sales by 2017 It’s no surprise that ecommerce has made a major impact on everything from the economy to small businesses to the way said...


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Attitude Toward Big Data Slightly Shifting

Would you believe that, in a survey last year by Econsultancy, eight percent of digital marketers thought big data was a “pointless marketing term”? However, a survey this year shows that attitudes...



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