
Current Insights


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Privacy concerns online impact business negatively

Privacy concerns plague social media usage. According to recent research by TRUSTe and Harris Interactive, 92% of US web users worry about their privacy online. This worry affects business...


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Mobile's growing impact on digital marketing, a trend report

Mobile usage is growing. Users are relying on their phones for everything from email, games, photos, search, reading, news, etc, etc. The list is long. This expanding role in the lives of consumers...



How does Facebook make money?

Facebook is the world's largest social network. Recently Facebook has reached a new milestone with mobile advertising generating 53% of it's revenue. This data comes from Facebook's recent earnings...


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How big is the tablet market in the US?

How many people own tablets in the US? A new study by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) sheds some light on tablet ownership in the US. About 44% of US online consumers owned tablets as of...



Facebook advertising trends for Q4 of 2013

According to a study by Kenshoo Social, Facebook advertising click through rates increased by 10% from Q3 to Q4 of 2013. Both ad impressions and ad clicks increased--by 51% and 66%, respectively. The...


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Responsive websites to be highlighted in mobile SEO

Google is working hard to make smartphone content to be highlighted in search. Google announced that they are replacing their old smartphone crawler with a new one to improve smartphone specific...


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Importance of social commerce for retail brands

A report by 8thBridge, SOCIAL COMMERCE IQTM RETAIL 2013, highlights the social media adoption by retail brands and their social commerce strategies. As expected, most retailers have adopted Facebook...


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Shopping cart abandonment emails help increase revenue for eCommerce websites

Shopping cart abandonment emails can be a vital tool in the eCommerce marketer's toolbox. Stated simply, cart abandonment emails help drive additional revenue and therefore should not be neglected....


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Most popular content sharing channels

According to a new report by ShareThis, Pinterest Surpasses Email for Sharing Online and Beats Facebook Growth in 2013, Pinterest demonstrated extraordinary growth as a content sharing platform in...



Google pulls bad ads from it's network

Google is focused on weeding out spammers, scammers, manipulators, counterfeiters, cheaters and malware providers from it's network. Google has a dedicated anti-spam program for both it's organic...



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B2B Marketing and Growth Agency.

Grow your B2B business boldly. Ironpaper is a B2B marketing agency. We build growth engines for marketing and sales success. We power demand generation campaigns, ABM programs, create B2B content, strengthen sales enablement, generate qualified leads, and improve B2B marketing efforts.

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