B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights

Lead Generation

How B2B Marketers Can Close the Lead Generation Gap With Sales

By Sarah Cielinski, Senior Market Analyst, and Chantel Hall, Marketing Content Specialist A recent Ironpaper survey of of 180 B2B decision makers found that while marketing and sales teams are generally in alignment on successful strategies, marketers were significantly more confident that their...

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Lead Generation

How to Successfully Engage B2B Buyers on Social Media

By Kaci Antoine, Content Specialist Social media is an important channel for connecting with B2B buyers who are researching purchases before buying. Seventy-five percent of B2B buyers and 84% of C-Suite executives use social media when making a purchase, so creating buyer-focused content to attract...

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Lead Generation

Lead Generation Tips for B2B SaaS Companies in 2022

By Kaci Antoine, Content Specialist Lead generation is a key strategy for expanding your business, and savvy B2B SaaS companies have many proven lead generation techniques at their disposal. However, SaaS companies need to target the right audience with their lead generation strategy and focus on...

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Lead Generation

The End of Google Text Ads: How Responsive Ads Are Different (And Why You Should Embrace Them)

By Daniel Traicoff, Digital Marketer, JonFlaherty-Fisco, Content Manager, and Chantel Hall, Marketing Content Specialist Today — Friday, July 1— marks the end of text ads on Google. Starting today, all new text ads on Google search will be responsive ads. Old text ads will continue running, but you...

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12 Digital Marketing Trends for B2B Technology Companies

Just as technology continuously evolves, so does digital marketing for B2B technology companies. That's why SaaS, IT, and tech marketers must stay informed about demand and lead generation trends and how to convert prospects into sales opportunities. Here are a dozen trends we're seeing and...

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4 Ways to Boost Lead Generation for B2B SaaS Companies with Inbound Marketing

By Kaci Antoine, Content Specialist With the SaaS market growing by 18% each year, it's no secret that there is a lot of competition in the SaaS world.1 And as customers do more research and get input from more stakeholders, lead generation for B2B SaaS companies is increasingly difficult. The SaaS...

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Lead Generation

Crafting B2B Case Studies that Support Your Value Proposition

By Chantel Hall, Marketing Content Specialist Case studies, which highlight the results of a business' work for one of their clients, can be an effective tool for both marketing and sales. When written and utilized effectively, they can help you demonstrate what your value proposition looks like in...

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Lead Generation

How To Build a Landing Page Form That Actually Converts

By Chantel Hall, Marketing Content Specialist Landing page forms allow marketing teams to collect data about a lead while also providing tangible value through a content offer, webinar, newsletter, or many other types of offers. While the landing page as a whole is important, the form used to...

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Lead Generation

Focus on Lead Quality, Not Quantity, to Cut Costs and Improve Conversions

By Chantel Hall, Marketing Content Specialist Most marketing teams are familiar with the pressure to do more within the limits of their budget, with attracting and qualifying more leads usually at the top of the list. But a focus on stuffing as many leads into your pipelines as possible isn’t...

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How to Get a Job in Marketing Without a Degree

Searching for a job in the marketing industry when you don’t have a degree in marketing can be discouraging, but getting a job without a degree is entirely possible. The industry is changing, and a traditional degree may not be necessary for all positions. Marketing has become a digital-focused,...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.


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Grow your B2B business boldly. Ironpaper is a B2B marketing agency. We build growth engines for marketing and sales success. We power demand generation campaigns, ABM programs, create B2B content, strengthen sales enablement, generate qualified leads, and improve B2B marketing efforts.

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