
Current Insights


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GoDaddy To Stop Registering Domain Names In China

GoDaddy.com Inc, the world's largest domain name registration company, is planning to announce that it will stop registering domain names in China following a new government policy that requires...


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EU forces Microsoft to offer users a choice of web browser

There has been a resolution to the Internet Explorer antitrust case against Microsoft. Microsoft will now offer a choice to Windows users for their web browser. This "Choice Screen" will give Windows...



Google Acquires Picnik

Google acquired Picnik, a cloud-based photo editing tool. Picnik allowed users to edit photos without having to purchase a heavy photo editing software and was great for inexperienced or infrequent...


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Mobile Web: Smart Phone Sales Up 24% From Last Year

The mobile phone industry is booming. Smart phone sales to end users grew 41% from Q4 of 2008 to Q4 of 2009. As a year to year comparison from 2008 to 2009, smart phone sales grew 24% to 172.4...


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Research In Motions Fights For Business Customers With Free Server

Research In Motion is fighting to retain business customers by giving away it's BlackBerry Enterprise Server software to small and medium business customers for free. The Blackberry express server...


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Comcast Announces Gains Attributed To Internet Services

Comcast reported a profit gain directly attributed to internet services and the mobile web. Propelled by such gains, Comcast plans on launching a new brand for it's cable operations, internet and...



Video Game Sales Dropped 7 Percent Globally In 2009

Video game sales dropped 7 percent in 2009 globally, as represented in the top game markets: United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom. The UK had the greatest drop in sales with 14%. The annual...


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Bar Code Reinvented For A Digital World--Microsoft Custom Tags

Microsoft is seeking to reinvent the bar code. In essence, Microsoft seeks to make the bar code more stylish--allowing businesses to use the area of packaging dedicated to the bar code to appeal to...



Air America Is Bankrupt

Air America, a progressive talk radio service, that employs Al Franken and Rachel Maddow is filing for Chapter 7 and will "carry out an orderly winding-down of the business." At 9 p.m. on Monday,...


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BW Points Out A Possible Partnership Between Apple and Microsoft

As Google readies it's mobile hardware set titled Nexus One for the markets, Apple may be looking to support a less threatening search company. Hell has frozen over. The increasing tensions between...



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