
Current Insights


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Largest day for iOS and Android device activation

This Christmas was the largest day for iOS and Android device activation ever, according to mobile analytics company Flurry. The presents under the tree this year were more iPhones, iPads, Galaxy's,...



Blackberry's Q3 report causes step drop in stock price

Shares of Research in Motion (RIM) dropped 23% after it's Q3 revenue report. In it's third quarter, the company's revenue dropped 47% to $2.7 billion after shipping only 6.9 million BlackBerry phones...


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Retail websites had an impressive turnout this November

According to comScore Media Metrix, as the holiday season began this November there was an impressive turnout for retail websites. Of the top ten fastest growing categories of websites, retail...


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Square adds gift cards post-Starbucks

After landing a huge deal with Starbucks, it would have been expected for Square to slow down a little and enjoy it's victory. But no, Square is continuing to innovate. The company has recently...


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Appcelerator Starts their “Innovation Fund”.

Appcelerator speeds up the development of native mobile apps. It's marque product is Titanium, a mobile app development platform. Recently they introduced the Appcelerator Innovation Fund in order to...


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Tablets and iPads gain popularity with upper middle income households

According to research from Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 47% of Americans living in households with annual income of $75,000 or more now own tablets or iPads. Within the...



Google Fiber Sign-Ups in Kansas are Behind Schedule

Google has still not reached its goals for its Fiber project in Kansas City. Consequently, Google has decided to lower its pre-registration goals as many neighborhoods are still very far away from...


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Defensive domain registrations may become a need for many businesses

Securing an online address can be hard enough for most businesses. With the huge number of cyber squatters trying to capitalize on unclaimed or related brand domains becoming more and more prevalent...



The Not-So-Free Google Apps for Business

Google Apps is a powerful tool for Business that integrates mail, calendars and documents all within the familiar Google interface. For businesses with a limited amount of users and email inbox size,...



Google wins local search in UK

Based on a study by Implied Intelligence, Google has the most accurate and thorough local search database in the UK. US reports also show the same results. Previously yellow pages websites like...



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The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

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Grow your B2B business boldly. Ironpaper is a B2B marketing agency. We build growth engines for marketing and sales success. We power demand generation campaigns, ABM programs, create B2B content, strengthen sales enablement, generate qualified leads, and improve B2B marketing efforts.

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